The life in 5th Grade!!

Hello! My name, is Emma Turner, but u can call me Emmi (or KitKat), and this is what has been going on in 5th grade, for the last 2 weeks! So, we recently, had Orange Chicken! And it tastes, A. M. A. Z. I. N. G!

So, moving on, me and my friend, (At ScHoOl) love all of our teachers!! In our opinion, they are all amazing, and nice– (and funny)

everyone at (ScHoOl) are my friends, but Riely is my bestest friend! Well, Riely, and Bayla! They are my best friends, we always play outside together! We don’t play any certain games, honestly, we just run around!! Me, Riely, and Bayla, weren’t really friends for a bit, in the begging of the school year, I didn’t have any friends, but me and Riely and Bayla became friends again! I also made new friends, Adeline, and Alyssa! I’m proud to have my friends! My friends are super nice, and friendly, and vErY sWeEt!!!!!! So, yeah, thats how 5th grades going hahaha!

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