What I plan on doing during MakerSpace is to do BB8 or play on silk or this is sand.
What i’m mainly wanting to do is do BB8 because we are coding the BB8 to move.
When I, or if I get tired of BB8 i’ll more than likely do the theater one.
I also may end up using the 3D coloring app.
It’ll be fun I think… well anyway I also wanna do hot wheels probably.
Doing hot wheels is fun because we do team work, we help each other do track ideas, like, we make a plan for the car to go, and where it’ll go from. Moving on to another idea, I also wanna do is cup stacking. I absolutley love cup stacking. I’ve been cup stacking since Kindergarten. These are the things I wanna do during MakerSpace. (I think I named them all XD)