We should honor MLK Day, as a way to show respect for what Martin did. but i did not do that, because i was at my grandmas house, and she can’t really just go out and buy stuff to help people.. but, last year on MLK Day, me and my mom went to Wal-Mart to buy Doritos,Lunchables and water to give to the homeless in Longview. Than, we went home and wished Martin a happy birthday, and thanked him for his amazing deeds! Dr Martin Luther KIng Jr was an amazing man, and we should be inspired by him.. like he said himself, “Hate can not drive out hate, only love can do that.”. We should choose to be like him, kind, helpful, respectful, loving, and most of all,
Martin was a very kind, caring guy, and i wish he had not be harrased like he did, assassinated for doing kind things for this world.
He had the most insparational speeches, like ‘I have a dream’. His dream came true.
Martin would want us to be doing kind things for people like he did, he would love for us to do that. He would love for us to help the homeless people, help someone across the street, and well, just be over all