Halloween Scare

It is halloween night, my friend Alex is dressed as a vampire. We go around, watching the kids starting to laugh, as they run off from a house.. Alex and i stay together, and then we disagree on a house, “I wanna go to that house,” Alex said, pointing to a creepy house, ‘”No! That’s much to scary!” We hear a voice calling out to us, very familiar voice, but we couldn’t say who it was. We turn around looking for it, still hearing the faint sound of someone familiar, Than, we saw Lauryn, waving while running twords us, “Hey!” Alex called out “Wanna go to that house?” Alex said pointing to the creepy house. “That house?” Lauryn  asked, pointing to the creepy house. “Yes!” Alex exlaimed “Yea! But, what about Emma?” Lauryn asked, “I’ll go to the nice less scary house over there.” Emma replied, pointing her thumb behind her back to the nice house. Lauryn and Alex walked to the house. “I want to knock! I call dibs!” Lauryn yelled, sprinting twords the door. ‘knock, knock, knock..’ The door opened, Alex see’s a shadow that runs twords the door. It grabs Lauryn, he started screaming, as the shadow cackled. It’s laugh filled the air.. “NO!” Alex yelled, banging the door. Emma sprinted twords him, “What happend??” Emma asked, “Lauryn got taken!” Alex cried. “We have to save her!” Emma said climbing a old, junky brown car onto the roof. Alex followed. “We need to break the window, but what can we use?” Emma looked around, until she found a hammer. “Ha!~ What’re the odds?!” Emma said exitedly, while smashing the window, Emma and Alex carefully slipped through the glass filled hole. “Where would she be..?” Emma wondered, than, Alex stopped, dead in his tracks, terrified. “Why did you sto- oh my gosh..” Emma said. “SOPHIA!” Emma screamed. “What?” Sophia said.. “Come on! Lauryn got taken!” Alex yelled, helping up Sophia. Sophia stood tall, “I know my way, come on.” Alex and Emma followed her. After a few minutes of searching, they found Lauryn, in the 5th floor. “LAURYN! LAURYN!” Sophia yelled, “Guys!” Lauryn yelled, “We have to get out of here!” Sophia said. “StOp RiGhT tHeRe” a cracked voice said.. We all turned,”Madam! GO AWAY!” Sophia yelled sticking her hand out, knocking the witch down.. “Oh i outta..” The with yelled, Sophia started fighting the witch with magic! “Guys! Go, i’ll come follow once i’m done..” Sophia yelled. Everybody ran to the window, watching Sophia defeat the witch. She ran outside and everyone was safe atlas!

Homecoming 2018

On Friday October 5th we had homecoming for the first time in 3 years, for the seniors in High School (Their prom, I guess.. ) And it’s a football game is what I know,  in the next 3 years, i’m gonna be in 8th grade, during homecoming. The next day, on Saturday, October 6th, I was at my grandma’s house, asleep at 10:00, when the parade had started, and me and my grandma were gonna go, but we couldn’t make it, because she lives in Gilmer. And it was already past 10:00 by the time she woke up. I wasn’t able to go to the parade either, sadly, because there were horse rides, and you could pet bunnies, and Mr. Mac was there with a train, not a real one, but one you could ride. (That is what i heard) So, my grandma took me to the movies, since i couldn’t go to the parade, we went to see A House With A Clock In It’s Walls… it was a good/scary movie i had saw a few days before with my mom and my friends (And someones new boyfriend! 😉 hahahaha) And so that was happend on Homecoming, and the Parade weekend.


Mount of the Holy cross

The size of Mount of the Holy Cross is 14,009’.
Fun fact about Mount of the Holy Cross is~ Mount of the Holy Cross has a cross carved into the mountain!

9/11 Reflections

 9/11, it showed the best and the worst of humanity that day.. It was a pretty terrifying day. Nothing was the same since that day. On that day the word ‘terrorist’ became and everyday word. The exact amount of people who died that day was 2,996. The first plane hit the South Tower, the second plane hit the North tower, third plane hit the pentagon, and the 4th plane hit some land in Pennsylvania, people think that it was heading for the White House. It crashed because of the brave people who sacrafised their lives for the people in Washington D.C. If you ask me how i feel about 9/11, this is what i’d say.. “Its sick to know that people do this to the innocent, i’m confused on why the muslims thought they’d get closer to god by doing this.. they killed little babys, and office workers who had no idea what was coming.”


Pumpkin Patch

During the cool fall, we went to a Pumpkin Patch! There were many orange pumpkins in a varity of shapes..! There was one in the shape of an oval, and there was one like a circle too!! We went over to the register without a large pumpkin. “Where is your pumpkin, miss?” The cashier said “We want a carved one..” The respectful lady said, “OK! What do you want it like??” The kind cashier asked. “I would like one in the shape of a.. kitten!” “Yes ma’am!” The cashier replyed.


A few moments later he came back with his finest kitten carved pumpkin.


“Thank you sir!” she exlamed! “You sure are welcome!” The cashier replyed in a cheerful tone. “How much for it??” She asked, pulling out her wallet. “Nothing! We don’t need pay!” He replyed joyfully.. “Oh.. its fine! It’s a really nice pumpkin, you deserve a tip atleast! :)” She said grabbing two hundred dollars for the hard working man. She put her wallet back into her purse. “Thank you so much!” he exlamed.

The life in 5th Grade!!

Hello! My name, is Emma Turner, but u can call me Emmi (or KitKat), and this is what has been going on in 5th grade, for the last 2 weeks! So, we recently, had Orange Chicken! And it tastes, A. M. A. Z. I. N. G!

So, moving on, me and my friend, (At ScHoOl) love all of our teachers!! In our opinion, they are all amazing, and nice– (and funny)

everyone at (ScHoOl) are my friends, but Riely is my bestest friend! Well, Riely, and Bayla! They are my best friends, we always play outside together! We don’t play any certain games, honestly, we just run around!! Me, Riely, and Bayla, weren’t really friends for a bit, in the begging of the school year, I didn’t have any friends, but me and Riely and Bayla became friends again! I also made new friends, Adeline, and Alyssa! I’m proud to have my friends! My friends are super nice, and friendly, and vErY sWeEt!!!!!! So, yeah, thats how 5th grades going hahaha!

African Chebra Update

John Lock, when he was 7, he found the Chebra hiking with his parents. Now, hes 35, and found more than just one. Of course, he made sure not to look it in the eye, he found several in a group! They were hunting, it has been over a year, and they started attacking, now, John is a zooligist. He studys the Chebra especially hard. He found, lots of Chebras, were just hiding in their burrow! They had never gone instinct at all! They were just hiding, from they’re worst predator! The top of the food chain.. THE BEAR! The bear had found one of the mothers babys, and she had to protect them, she tried hurting the bear, but she failed. The father had grabbed the babys, and went inside their burrow. It was a very close call, and John Lock, had captured a video! Now, we don’t have any links to find it, but, we interviewed Lock, and this is what he said:

So, becoming a zooligist, is a big choice. Now in my situation, i had lost tons of friends because they thought my discovery of the Chebra, was plain rubbish! Now, i know Mr. Ferry, discoverd the Chebra, but i like to think, i had a part in discovering it! In 1990, sevral years after! I found the Chebra!
