African Chebra Update

John Lock, when he was 7, he found the Chebra hiking with his parents. Now, hes 35, and found more than just one. Of course, he made sure not to look it in the eye, he found several in a group! They were hunting, it has been over a year, and they started attacking, now, John is a zooligist. He studys the Chebra especially hard. He found, lots of Chebras, were just hiding in their burrow! They had never gone instinct at all! They were just hiding, from they’re worst predator! The top of the food chain.. THE BEAR! The bear had found one of the mothers babys, and she had to protect them, she tried hurting the bear, but she failed. The father had grabbed the babys, and went inside their burrow. It was a very close call, and John Lock, had captured a video! Now, we don’t have any links to find it, but, we interviewed Lock, and this is what he said:

So, becoming a zooligist, is a big choice. Now in my situation, i had lost tons of friends because they thought my discovery of the Chebra, was plain rubbish! Now, i know Mr. Ferry, discoverd the Chebra, but i like to think, i had a part in discovering it! In 1990, sevral years after! I found the Chebra!×152.png

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